Friday, December 3, 2010

ISLE of ARRAN / Giants Graves & Glenashdale Falls...

One of Arran’s most beautiful landmarks, Glenashdale Falls, lies at the end of a particularly beautiful scenic woodland walk.
There are two starting points to the path, both at the south end of Whiting Bay, taking the walker along a path through the woods, which runs alongside the Glenashdale Burn. Along the way, depending on which route you’ve taken, is the sign for the Giants Graves - a series of strange stones set high on the hill in a forest clearing. They are, in fact, chambered cairns from the Neolithic period, and rather than being the final resting place of giants, as the legend says, they contained the bones of several people. Getting to the stones requires something of a steep climb up hundreds of steps cut into the hillside, but the walk to Glenashdale Falls itself is far less strenuous. Along the way there are several viewpoints looking out towards the falls, which are a magnificent sight when the burn [stream] is in full spate, and not far away, on the northern side of the glen, there is an Iron Age fort. The path is straightforward, although wet weather may make it muddy in places.

 Kim, working in Madrid, came over for a visit.

                                The climb is like a mega session on a Stairmaster

                                                      this forest gap allows superb views over to Holy Isle.

then through this enchanted forest to the...

                            Giants Graves


                                    Giants bowling ball?!

                        lovely woodland trail...

                                                                 kinda dense and jungle like in places

                                                           here we are, somewhat dampish, on the south side of the falls

                             Mother & Daughter


                ¡Qué una imagen encantadora!
                ¿No es esto mejor que Madrid?
                ¡La vida larga la Isla de Arran!

                                                                      bridge over troubled waters

                                                                            Carol on the rocks...



                                                                                     Top o' the Falls...


                                                                                       and here we go...


                                                          with a mighty flow...

                                                  into the chasm below!

                                                                                     south bank view

                                                         and north bank view

                                                        SIMPLY STUNNING!

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