The second most interesting circle is a double ring of squat granite boulders called Fingal's Cauldron Seat. The outer circle is egg shaped but the inner ring of eight stones forms an almost perfect circle. When this circle was excavated a ruined cist was found but it did not contain any traces of burial.
History. Although the stone circles date from around 1800 to 1600 BC during the Bronze Age period, there is plenty of evidence to suggest much earlier use of the site during the Neolithic period. At this time several timber circles were erected on the moor in the general area where some of the stone circles now lie.The main circle consisted of about fifty tall posts with an inner ring of taller posts in a horseshoe formation. The wood circle was in use for many hundreds of years, during which time other timber circles were also created. After a long period of activity the site seems to have fallen out of favour, as the archaeology suggests a return to agricultural usage. The focus returned in about 1800BC when the construction of the stone circles was commenced.The main population at the time lived in small round huts, the remains of which are to be found to the West of the stone circles. It is likely that the circles were the focus of ritual activity, perhaps only accessible to a selected priesthood of the population but nobody really knows for sure.

Folklore and Ancient Astronomy. It is quite common in folklore to find that ancient circles of stone have become associated with legendary figures and giants. These legendary figures were often used to explain the origin of the stones. At Machrie the double circle, Suide Choir Fhionn or Fingal's Cauldron Seat, is named after the legendary warrior and giant Fingal, who is most likely derived from the Irish Warrior God Finn MacCumhail.According to the tradition, Fingal used the stone with the hole in it in the outer circle to tether his dog Bran, while he ate a meal within the inner ring. Fingal and his dog Bran are attached to a number of other Scottish sites. The double circle is the only that is associated with folklore, and some people have suggested that it served as the focus of the site.

This notch is intersected by the sun on every Midsummer's morning. Many stone circles are aligned in this way, and the changing seasons would have been much more important to ancient man, Midsummer being the longest day of the year and the beginning of the slow march to Winter.

The path to the standing stones starts just a few miles south of Machrie. The bus will stop and let you off right at the spot.

it's only a one mile walk to the stones...

this fence is easily crossed with the help of a stile...
it's a wee bit windy, this could be a baa-baad hair day...
these baa-baas could care less about any Stones; standing, sitting, or Rolling...

Carol goes native, with a'Heilin' Coo' [Highland Cow] hair doo!

the constantly changing skies and weather...

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