Thursday August 13, as the afternoon sun beat down on the crowds gathered in Plaza de Luna at Palafox Pier, Pensacola, Mayor Mike Wiggins unveiled a life-size bronze statue of Spanish explorer
Don Tristan de Luna.
Judy Bense, president of the University of West Florida, began the dedication ceremony with a dramatic telling of Luna’s explorations and his part in Pensacola’s storm-battered beginning as a Spanish colony in

“The worst thing for these expeditions was to run out of food,” said Bense. “Just five weeks after de Luna landed with his ships in Pensacola Bay, a hurricane hit, sinking ships and destroying their food supply.”What started as a grand mission of settlement would become a rescue mission, she said.“De Luna left in defeat, but today,
450 years later, Pensacola still stands,” Bense said. “His statue is a monument to Spanish perseverance, heart and struggle.”
The 6-foot 2-inch statue, created by Pensacola sculptor
Bob Rasmussen, portrays the conquistador standing upright, holding the Spanish flag. It was formally accepted by Wiggins in Saturday’s 30-minute dedication ceremony.

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